Ideal for architects, contractors and subs, Takeoff Live is the paperless way to make your job fast, simple and hassle free. Figuring how much of any material is needed can now be done faster than ever. No matter what your trade: concrete, framing, drywall, flooring, decking, electrical, painting, plumbing, mechanical, asphalt paving, lumber, carpet, masonry, roofing, tile, piping, brick, fencing, stucco or any other construction or contractor trade, let Takeoff Live help you do it the easy way. Got a circular slab? No problem! Just trace around the arc of the circle and presto!... an area and perimeter are calculated instantly. Click here to see more screenshots. Takeoff Live can use scanned plans, plan pictures you take with your digital camera, as well as .TIF, .PDF, .GIF, Dodge Plan files, ISQFT Plan files, Blue Book plan files, .JPG, .BMP, and .PNG.